Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Many of you know that I have been very anxious to have this baby before my midwife goes on a 2 week mission trip. Well, I'm 9 days over due and she leaves tomorrow. She has stripped my membranes 3 times (twice today in fact) in hopes that I would have gone into labor by now, but to no avail. Today we both cried together for awhile at the thought that she would not be the one to deliver baby James. She said that she was shocked that I was not going into labor (I'm at a 5) and that the only explanation was that God knew he wasn't ready yet. I am still praying that I will go into labor tonight, but I have so much peace about it if I don't. My sweet, patient Lord has recently pointed out to me that the universe does not revolve around me and my schedule, and that this birth is about Him - because everything is. So, until He says our son is ready, we are waiting, and hopefully my next post will be soon and filled with pictures of James.


  1. Precious one, Just know that I am praying so hard that sweet James will come tonight, but if he doesn't, I pray that your faith and trust will remain strong as you wait.
    I love you

  2. Kelly,
    Hey! I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately and wondering how you and baby James are doing! You'll be in my thoughts!

  3. Kelli - Your faith in amazing and your ability to refocus all of this on the Lord is truly a testimony to all of us. We all can't wait for James to be here so I can't even imagine how you feel. We are praying for you and baby James - me, Joe Don, even Anna. We love you so much.

  4. I am so proud of you and your bloggin life now! I am have been praying for you all night! You are superwoman I swear!


The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery