Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm James and it's my birthday

I enjoy: long baths, doing flips on the bed with my dad, and my sister's entertainment.

My interests include: my paci, a good bottle of goat's milk, and anything edible.
My hobbies are: soaking my shirts with drool, pointing at everything I see, eating anything I can reach, clapping at all my accomplishments, and being held by my mommy.

My accomplishments are: standing by myself, saying Dada, baba, and ball, making a few animal noises, and being irresistible to the ladies.

I'm looking for a girl who will wait 20 years for me to date and who loves my mommy.
Today my baby is one year old, and as usual, it is bitter sweet for me. James is an amazing human being. He is living proof to me that God exists and that God is love. He has the most loving spirit in the world and has since the day he was born. I consider it a priviledge and a blessing to be his mother, and cannot wait to see who he grows to be.

The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery