Friday, March 27, 2009

Home Birth

This time around we are doing the home birth thing, so we'll see how that works out. I have to admit, I'm extremely excited about the whole thing and don't think I'm as nearvous as I should be. The process with a midwife so far as been nothing short of glorious, and with the exception of being scared for life after seeing a video in our birthing class, it has been such a blessing to my pregnancy.

Well, it's official - I'm pretty awesome

I feel like my life is now interesting enough to have a blog. All I needed was an excuse to start one, and this baby I'm about to have gave me that. Hopefully, sooner than later, this page will be filled with pictures of him, but for now it's just us: precious Elizabeth, stud Jeremy, and large and in-charge Kelli.

The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery