Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I have to brag on my two babies!

First of all, Elizabeth just completed her 10th swimming lesson and can swim all by herself! She just learned to come up for air while swimming and jump into the water and swim to the side herself! She went from not wanting to go under at the first of the summer to jumping off the diving board and loving it! Sorry for all the exclamations, but I am just so proud.
I am equally proud of my baby boy, who for a week has consistently only woken up to eat once a night and has gone right back to sleep every time. Sleep and I have finally caught up and are closer than ever. If anyone elses baby is doing better than this, I don't want to hear about it.

The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery