Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sweet Sister

We recently had a sweet photo shoot of Elizabeth and I. It hit me that I didn't have any pictures of my pregnancy this time around. And, although Jeremy begged and begged me to go with him to a studio to get professional pregnancy pictures taken of the 3 of us, I convinced him to take them of Elizabeth and I at our house. He took a lot, so I posted a few. I want to remember how sweet this time was and how much Elizabeth loved her brother when he didn't demand any of my attention.


  1. Well, welcome to blogland! Can't wait to see pics of sweet baby James! I love the pregnancy pictures of you and Elizabeth, precious.

  2. Your pictures look amazing! Yeah for blogs!

  3. Kelli, those are the sweetest pictures ever. We can't wait to meet baby James. We swing by and bring you guys some dinner one night!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mr. Photographer, thank you so much for taking precious pictures of our favorite two girls and favorite baby boy. We can't wait. Honey and Papa

  6. Precious Kelli, I love the new tummy pics! Elizabeth is so sweet - I love it that she was so content to sit with me last night at dinner. I can't wait for BJ to get here!


The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery