Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Best mother's day ever!

I am thrilled to say that James is here and he is glorious. The Lord poured blessings on our home birth, and we had an awesome labor and delivery (I spared you some of the more graphic pics - your welcome). It was such an awesome night that I will never forget, and I would do it again the same way in a heart beat. Our midwives were amazing and Jeremy was my hero - our relationship will never be the same. I can't say enough about our experience. James is awesome and such a sweet angel. He was born at 12:24 a.m. on mothers day and was 8 lbs. 4 oz. of perfection. Praise God for his goodness.


  1. Kelli,
    We are so happy for you and Jeremy! Prayers were definately answered. We can't wait to meet him soon. I want to hear all about it!

  2. Kelli, you are sooo sweet. Thank you so much for the pics and the story. You are the best mother. Love, Jen

  3. Loved every second of the slideshow. Way to go getting that done! James is absolutley precious and I can't tell you enough how much I already love him. I am so proud to be his favorite aunt :)

  4. Praise God! He's beautiful...can't wait to meet him!

  5. He is precious!! I'm so glad that he is finally here and in your arms. God bless you and your sweet family.

  6. Sweet Kelli, what a beautiful baby boy is our Baby James. I love the pics and am still praising our God for his unfailing love. We are all so blessed! ANNIE

  7. he is precious and i can't wait to meet him. so proud of you! love you and thanks for sharing the pics :)


The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery