Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dear Sleep,

Hey how's it going? It has been way too long. I wanted to let you know that lately I have been thinking a lot about you and remembering all the great times we used to have together. We used to spend hours on end with one another, uninterupted - just you and me. Do you remember? I miss you so much, and really hope that someday soon we can get together and catch up.

P.s. I love you - that will never change.


  1. That cracked me up! You'll meet up with your old friend one day soon :) PS love that pic of E and J in the papasan - precious!

  2. Love the post. Good to keep a sense of humor about it - what else can you do? One of these days we won't be able to get these kids out of bed before noon. Until then....keep on keeping on.

  3. You're so clever! What a cute post! I know just how you feel :) James is beautiful!

  4. Oh I started cracking up reading this and then quickly remembered I will be you VERY shortly! (not so funny anymore) I hope you and sleep get to talk soon! :)

  5. I so feel you on this one. Braden is nowhere close to sleeping through the night no matter how much I let him cry. I feel for you. I just keep telling myself that this too shall pass and one day I will look back and miss all my midnight time with my baby. Miss you. Hope to see you soon.


The sweetest big sister ever!

The sweetest big sister ever!

Baby James' Nursery

Baby James' Nursery